To be true to ourselves, Kenyans over years has been seen as
a nation with great development potential. The past week I was engaging in a
debate (on a light note) with my Ugandan friends who seemed convinced that
their country was better than mine and were boasting to me about their new
electric car model made in Uganda. I felt challenged but that was before I went
on Google and came across amazing statistics to my favor. In East Africa,
including Burundi and Rwanda, Kenya tops the literacy level chat with a whopping
82% literacy rate. Besides that, the statistics showed that a Kenyan born from
a poor family has the ability to do even better than their counterpart from a
rich family in any of the other East African countries. These amazing facts among
others put my head high throughout the rest of the argument and I felt like
Alexander the great after conquering a number of nations; or to bring it much
closer home, I felt like our cousin Barrack Obama after the confirmation that
Osama Bin Laden had been gunned down…#LOL.
However the recent on-goings in the country have made me
question either the facts I read about, or our realization of the same. Beyond Kenya
was the ‘nanny from hell’ in Uganda who vent out her anger and frustrations at
her boss’s innocent daughter and almost killed her. I will not say I am glad
the girl’s daughter dealt with her mercilessly or else my Human Rights law
lecturer will question my class attendance. And yes there was stripping in Mombasa
and in Kayole and we made a big fuss about it and even took to the streets. Our
beautiful Esther Passaris also rocked a mini-skirt and we all changed our
statuses on whatsapp to #mydressmychoice.
We made fun of it and usual the most rancorous mob in Africa KOT took this
time to exercise and try their hand at graphic design with their numerous memes
and hilarious picutures. For some time it was an argument as to who was to
blame for the incidences. We questioned whether the women needed to be blamed
for their dressing or was it the immorality of the men. I could hear some girls
or is it women or ladies even question as to why men would do such when women
do not interfere with their uncouth trouser sagging habits.
Today however I have been left in utter disgust and
abhorrence at seeing how a woman was treated inside a bus. I did not get the
whole story but from the video I could tell that the woman was probably forced
into the bus and they did what they did.(WARNING!!Video with graphic content) I have lacked the right words but
since I will post the video at the end of this piece then you will be keen to
be your own judge. However two things struck me from the video, one; how on
earth a man would stand seeing a woman get hurt, physically for that matter. Worse
is that one had the guts to record it for fun’s sake. The men were pounding on
her like hungry wild dogs on prey each wanting a piece of action on her. The girl’s
screams were not good enough to secure her freedom. She was literally like a
chick at the mercy of surrounding hawks. The men’s hands danced around her
genitals like a pianist on his instrument. It was painful. It was agonizing. The
most bizarre thing however that caught
my attention was on one of the attackers. Judging from the long sleeved michuki shirt he had on, he must have
been the driver of the matatu. But that is not it; he had a wedding ring on. This
was a guy who was presumably to go back to his wife that night, get a hot
shower and probably after a sumptuous meal make passionate love to his wife
ready for the next day’s hustle. If my religion allowed me to put it aside for
a moment I would have dropped a bombshell of insults but how unfortunate, they
would not be enough. Oh, and my religion apparently would not.
Then I realized a thing, there is no more content that
needed debate anymore. It begged the question to me as to what the exact
problem was. Is it our eroded value system? Wait, do we have a value system? What
is its composition? Who defines it? For a second (probably more) my mind was in
constant spin motion trying to wonder to what extent we have lost it. Are we that
lost that there is no hope for redemption? Are we like a speeding Nairobi matatu towards the wrong direction? If there
were to be any hope then from whence will it come from? Our society has become
the Golgotha of humanity, just dry bones. It dawned on me that we have been living a
lie, the lie that our nation is coming together yet the only place we are together
is when on our knees at the mercy of self-destruction.
It is the same irony of a kwashiorkor ridden child with a big belly just like
that of a rich man on a nyamchom
diet. Our society has lost its touch on humanity.
It is true that indeed women have also decided to dress in
way that leaves very little for men to imagine but that is not a justification
for rape. The world is now a den of lions and the earlier we realize that the
better. That video proved to me that
unemployment is not the problem, idleness is. We could have jobs but literally
nothing to do. That way we can close our offices at 5pm and still have the
strength to be involved in such. This is now a battle of victims and
opportunists exchanging buttons and unless the problem is dealt with from the
roots then the noise and hullaballoo will only amount to verbal diarrhea whose
stink will do nothing but block our reasoning and wit. We have to know that
there is a class that appreciates brawn to brain. That there are a specific
group of people we cannot reason with.
I will end with this, let us be critical and identify the
underlying problem, do an in depth self-analysis and find out our individual
and collective role in curbing the problems.
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